This section of the manual lists all the different actions available to you when using Drag and Drop to code your game. Below you can find each of the different Action Libraries available to you from the object DnD™ Toolbox, and within each library section the individual actions are explained, along with examples of use.
- Common Actions
- Instance Actions
- Mouse And Keyboard Actions
- Gamepad Actions
- Movement Actions
- Collision Actions
- Drawing Actions
- Tile Actions
- Audio Actions
- Loop Actions
- Switch Actions
- Data Structure Actions
- Buffer Actions
- File Actions
- Data Type Actions
- Random Actions
- Camera Actions
- Room Actions
- Path Actions
- Timeline Actions
- Game Actions
- Instance Variable Actions
- Miscellaneous Actions
- Particle Actions
You also have a Favourites library, which is a special section of the Toolbox where you can drag actions and so keep all the ones you use the most handy, and the Recently Used library, which will hold the last 5 actions that you have used.